Source code for turf.helpers._features

from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Iterable, Union, Sequence

from turf.utils.error_codes import error_code_messages
from turf.utils.exceptions import InvalidInput
from turf.utils.helpers import get_input_dimensions

all_geometry_types = [

class Geometry(ABC):
    Base class for Point, LineString and Polygon sub-classes.

    def __init__(self, coordinates: Iterable, geometry_type) -> None:

        self.coordinates = coordinates
        self.type = geometry_type

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.coordinates})"

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
            equality = self.type == other.type
            equality &= self.coordinates == other.coordinates
        except AttributeError:
            return False

        return equality

    def get(self, attribute: str, default=None) -> Any:
            return getattr(self, attribute)
        except AttributeError:
            return default

    def from_geojson(cls, geojson: Dict) -> Any:
            coords = geojson["coordinates"]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidCoordinates"])

        return geometry(cls.__name__, coords, as_geojson=False)

    def to_geojson(self) -> Dict:
        Translates the object into a GeoJSON feature.

        :return: a GeoJSON feature as a dict

        return {"type": self.type, "coordinates": self.coordinates}

class Point(Geometry):
    Class for creating Point objects with certain coordinates.
    Equivalent to a GeoJSON Point.

    def __init__(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Geometry.__init__(self, coordinates, "Point")

    def _check_input(coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Checks input given to Point class, and raises an error if input is invalid.

        :param coordinates: input coordinates

        if (
            get_input_dimensions(coordinates) == 1
            and len(coordinates) == 2
            and all(isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in coordinates)

        raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidPointInput"])

class MultiPoint(Point):
    def __init__(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Point.__init__(self, coordinates)
        self.type = "MultiPoint"

    def _check_input(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Checks input given to MultiPoint class, and raises an error if input is invalid.

        :param coordinates: input coordinates

        if get_input_dimensions(coordinates) != 2:
            raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidMultiInput"] + "of Points")

        for coord in coordinates:
            super(MultiPoint, self)._check_input(coord)

class LineString(Geometry):
    Class for creating LineString objects with certain coordinates.
    Equivalent to a GeoJSON LineString.

    def __init__(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Geometry.__init__(self, coordinates, geometry_type="LineString")

    def _check_input(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Checks input given to LineString class, and raises an error if input is invalid.

        :param coordinates: input coordinates

        if get_input_dimensions(coordinates) != 2:
            raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidLineStringInput"])

        if len(coordinates) >= 2 and all(
            all(isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in y) for y in coordinates

        raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidLinePoints"])

class MultiLineString(LineString):
    def __init__(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        LineString.__init__(self, coordinates)
        self.type = "MultiLineString"

    def _check_input(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Checks input given to MultiLineString class, and raises an error if input is invalid.

        :param coordinates: input coordinates

        if get_input_dimensions(coordinates) != 3:
            raise InvalidInput(
                error_code_messages["InvalidMultiInput"] + "of LineStrings"

        for coord in coordinates:
            super(MultiLineString, self)._check_input(coord)

class Polygon(Geometry):
    Class for creating Polygon objects with certain coordinates.
    Equivalent to a GeoJSON Polygon.

    def __init__(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Geometry.__init__(self, coordinates, geometry_type="Polygon")

    def _check_input(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Checks input given to Polygon class, and raises an error if input is invalid.

        :param coordinates: input coordinates

        if get_input_dimensions(coordinates) != 3:
            raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidPolygonInput"])

        for ring in coordinates:
            if not isinstance(ring, list):
                raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidLinearRing"])

            if len(ring) < 4:
                raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidLinearRing"])

            if ring[-1] != ring[0]:
                raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidFirstLastPoints"])

class MultiPolygon(Polygon):
    def __init__(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Polygon.__init__(self, coordinates)
        self.type = "MultiPolygon"

    def _check_input(self, coordinates: Sequence) -> None:
        Checks input given to MultiPolygon class, and raises an error if input is invalid.

        :param coordinates: input coordinates

        if get_input_dimensions(coordinates) != 4:
            raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidMultiInput"] + "of Polygons")

        for coord in coordinates:
            super(MultiPolygon, self)._check_input(coord)

class FeatureType:
    Parent class for Feature and FeatureCollection.

    def __init__(self, feature_type: str) -> None:
        self.type = feature_type

    def get(self, attribute: str, default=None) -> Any:
            return getattr(self, attribute)
        except AttributeError:
            return default

class Feature(FeatureType):
    Class that encapsulates a certain geometry, along with its properties.
    Equivalent to a GeoJSON feature.

    def __init__(
        geom: Union[
            Dict, Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon,
        properties: Union[Dict, None] = None,
    ) -> None:

        geom = self._check_input(geom)

        FeatureType.__init__(self, feature_type="Feature")

        self.geometry = geom = properties or {}

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.geometry})"

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Feature):
            return False

        equality = self.geometry.type == other.geometry.type
        equality &= self.geometry.coordinates == other.geometry.coordinates

        return equality

    def _check_input(
        geom: Union[
            Dict, Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon,
    ) -> Union[
        Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon,
        Checks input given to Feature class, and converts to object if input is in dict form.

        :param geom: input geometry
        :return: geometry object

        if not any(isinstance(geom, eval(cls)) for cls in all_geometry_types):
            if isinstance(geom, dict):
                feat_type = geom.get("type", "nonexistent")
                    return eval(feat_type).from_geojson(geom)
                except (NameError, AttributeError):
                    raise InvalidInput(
                raise InvalidInput(

        return geom

    def to_geojson(self) -> Dict:
        Translates the object into a GeoJSON feature.

        :return: a GeoJSON feature as a dict

        geojson = {
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": self.geometry.to_geojson(),

        if self.get("bbox"):
            geojson["bbox"] = self.get("bbox")

        return geojson

class FeatureCollection(FeatureType):
    Class that encapsulates a group of features in a FeatureCollection.
    Equivalent to a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

    def __init__(self, features: Sequence = None) -> None:

        features = self._check_input(features)

        FeatureType.__init__(self, feature_type="FeatureCollection")

        self.features = features or []

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({[feat.get('geometry').get('type') for feat in self.features]})"

    def _check_input(features: Sequence,) -> List[Union[Dict, Feature]]:
        Checks input given to FeatureCollection class, and converts to list of
        Feature objects if input is in dict form.

        :param features: input features
        :return: a list of the feature objects

        if not isinstance(features, list):
            raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidFeatureCollection"])

        eval_feats = []
        for feat in features:
            if not isinstance(feat, Feature):

                if isinstance(feat, dict):
                    feat_type = feat.get("geometry", {}).get("type", "nonexistent")
                        geom = eval(feat_type).from_geojson(feat.get("geometry", {}))
                        properties = feat.get("properties", None)
                        feat_from_geojson = feature(
                            geom, properties=properties, as_geojson=False

                    except NameError:
                        raise InvalidInput(
                    raise InvalidInput(


        return eval_feats

    def to_geojson(self) -> Dict:
        Translates the object into a GeoJSON feature.

        :return: a GeoJSON feature as a dict

        geojson = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}

        for f in self.features:

        return geojson

[docs]def feature( geom: (Dict, Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon), properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[Feature, Dict]: """ Wraps a GeoJSON Geometry in a GeoJSON Feature. :param geom: input geometry :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a GeoJSON feature """ if not options: options = {} if not properties: properties = {} feat = Feature(geom, properties) if "id" in options: = options["id"] if "bbox" in options: feat.bbox = options["bbox"] return feat.to_geojson() if as_geojson else feat
[docs]def feature_collection( features: Sequence, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True ) -> Union[FeatureCollection, Dict]: """ Takes one or more Feature and creates a FeatureCollection. :param features: input features :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a FeatureCollection of Features """ if not options: options = {} feat_collection = FeatureCollection(features) if "id" in options: = options["id"] if "bbox" in options: feat_collection.bbox = options["bbox"] return feat_collection.to_geojson() if as_geojson else feat_collection
[docs]def geometry( geom_type: str, coordinates: Sequence, as_geojson: bool = True ) -> Union[ Dict, Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, ]: """ Creates a GeoJSON {@link Geometry} from a Geometry string type & coordinates. For GeometryCollection type use `helpers.geometryCollection` :param geom_type: one of "Point" | "LineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPoint" | "MultiLineString" | "MultiPolygon" :param coordinates: array of coordinates [lng, lat] :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a GeoJSON geometry """ if geom_type == "Point": geom = Point(coordinates) elif geom_type == "LineString": geom = LineString(coordinates) elif geom_type == "Polygon": geom = Polygon(coordinates) elif geom_type == "MultiPoint": geom = MultiPoint(coordinates) elif geom_type == "MultiLineString": geom = MultiLineString(coordinates) elif geom_type == "MultiPolygon": geom = MultiPolygon(coordinates) else: raise InvalidInput(error_code_messages["InvalidGeometry"](all_geometry_types)) return geom.to_geojson() if as_geojson else geom
[docs]def point( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[Point, Dict]: """ Creates a Point Feature from a Position. :param coordinates: coordinates longitude, latitude position in degrees - Position :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a Point Feature """ geom = Point(coordinates) return feature(geom, properties, options, as_geojson=as_geojson)
[docs]def points( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[FeatureCollection, Dict]: """ Creates a Point FeatureCollection from an Array of Point coordinates. :param coordinates: a list of Points - Position[] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: Point FeatureCollection """ if not isinstance(coordinates, list): raise Exception("Coordinates must be a list") return feature_collection( list(map(lambda coord: point(coord, properties), coordinates)), options, as_geojson=as_geojson, )
[docs]def multi_point( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[MultiPoint, Dict]: """ Creates a MultiPoint Feature based on a coordinate array. Properties can be added optionally. :param coordinates: a list of Points - Position[] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a MultiPoint feature """ geom = MultiPoint(coordinates) return feature(geom, properties, options, as_geojson=as_geojson)
[docs]def line_string( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[LineString, Dict]: """ Creates a LineString Feature from an Array of Positions. :param coordinates: a list of Positions - Position[] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a LineString feature """ if not options: options = {} if not properties: properties = {} geom = LineString(coordinates) return feature(geom, properties, options, as_geojson=as_geojson)
[docs]def line_strings( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[FeatureCollection, Dict]: """ Creates a LineString FeatureCollection from an Array of LineString coordinates. :param coordinates: a list of a list of Positions - Position[][] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: LineString FeatureCollection """ if not isinstance(coordinates, list): raise Exception("Coordinates_list must be a list") return feature_collection( list(map(lambda coord: line_string(coord, properties), coordinates)), options, as_geojson=as_geojson, )
[docs]def multi_line_string( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[MultiLineString, Dict]: """ Creates a MultiLineString Feature based on a coordinate array. Properties can be added optionally. :param coordinates: a list of a list of Positions - Position[][] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a MultiLineString feature """ geom = MultiLineString(coordinates) return feature(geom, properties, options, as_geojson=as_geojson)
[docs]def polygon( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[Polygon, Dict]: """ Creates a Polygon Feature from an Array of LinearRings. :param coordinates: a list of a list of Positions - Position[][] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a Polygon Feature """ if not options: options = {} if not properties: properties = {} geom = Polygon(coordinates) return feature(geom, properties, options, as_geojson=as_geojson)
[docs]def polygons( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[FeatureCollection, Dict]: """ Creates a Polygon FeatureCollection from an Array of Polygon coordinates. :param coordinates: an array of polygons - Position[][][] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: Polygon FeatureCollection """ if not isinstance(coordinates, list): raise Exception("Coordinates_list must be a list") return feature_collection( list(map(lambda coords: polygon(coords, properties), coordinates)), options, as_geojson=as_geojson, )
[docs]def multi_polygon( coordinates: Sequence, properties: Dict = None, options: Dict = None, as_geojson: bool = True, ) -> Union[MultiPolygon, Dict]: """ Creates a MultiPolygon Feature based on a coordinate array. Properties can be added optionally. :param coordinates: an array of polygons - Position[][][] :param properties: a dictionary of key-value pairs to add as properties :param options: an options dictionary: [options["bbox"] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature [options["id"] Identifier associated with the Feature :param as_geojson: whether the return value should be a geojson :return: a MultiPolygon feature """ geom = MultiPolygon(coordinates) return feature(geom, properties, options, as_geojson=as_geojson)