Source code for turf.rhumb_bearing._rhumb_bearing

from math import fmod
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np

from turf.helpers import degrees_to_radians, radians_to_degrees
from turf.helpers import Feature
from turf.invariant import get_coords_from_features

[docs]def rhumb_bearing( origin: Union[Sequence, Dict, Feature], destination: Union[Sequence, Dict, Feature], options: Dict = None, ) -> float: """ Takes two {Point|points} and finds the bearing angle between them along a Rhumb line * i.e. the angle measured in degrees start the north line (0 degrees) :param start: starting point [lng, lat] or Point feature :param end: ending point [lng, lat] or Point feature :param options: Optional parameters [options["final"]]: Calculates the final bearing if True :return: bearing from north in decimal degrees """ if not isinstance(options, dict): options = {} origin = get_coords_from_features(origin, ["Point"]) destination = get_coords_from_features(destination, ["Point"]) final = options.get("final", False) if final: bearing = calculate_rhumb_bearing(destination, origin) else: bearing = calculate_rhumb_bearing(origin, destination) return bearing
def calculate_rhumb_bearing(origin: Sequence, destination: Sequence) -> float: """ Calculates the bearing from origin to destination point along a rhumb line. """ phi_1 = degrees_to_radians(origin[1]) phi_2 = degrees_to_radians(destination[1]) delta_lambda = degrees_to_radians(destination[0] - origin[0]) # if delta_lambda over 180° take shorter rhumb line across the anti-meridian: if abs(delta_lambda) > np.pi: if delta_lambda > 0: delta_lambda = -(2 * np.pi - delta_lambda) if delta_lambda < 0: delta_lambda = 2 * np.pi + delta_lambda delta_psi = np.log(np.tan(phi_2 / 2 + np.pi / 4) / np.tan(phi_1 / 2 + np.pi / 4)) theta = np.arctan2(delta_lambda, delta_psi) return fmod(radians_to_degrees(theta) + 360, 360)